Data Services


IASI Level 1C - All Spectral Samples - Metop - Global

This product covers all spectral samples. The main objective of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) is to provide high resolution atmospheric emission spectra to derive temperature and humidity profiles with high spectral and vertical resolution and accuracy. Additionally it is used for the determination of trace gases such as ozone, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane, as well as land and sea surface temperature, emissivity and cloud properties. The IASI L1c product contains infra-red radiance spectra at 0.5cm-1 resolution. The EUMETCast product has for each sounder pixel 8461 spectral samples covering the range between 645.0 cm-1 and 2760 cm-1. NOTE: From 15/10/2021, Metop-A IASI data are no longer available.

Satellite: Metop

Instrument: IASI

Temporal Extent: 2009-03-23 - now

Orbit Type:

Data Policy: GeneralLicense

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