Deep Convective Cloud System Monitoring Database - TOOCAN v2.08 AfricaThe TOOCAN database is a level-2 product of Deep Convective Cloud Systems (DCS) parameters
derived from Meteosat measurements. Fundamental Climate Data Records of Meteosat First
and Second Generation instruments MVIRI and SEVIRI (John et al., 2019) are used as
input for the TOOCAN (Fiolleau and Roca 2013) which is a cloud tracking algorithm
to detect and track DCS from the geostationary infrared observations. TOOCAN data
provides integrated morphological parameters of tropical DCS such as location and
time of initiation and dissipation, lifetime duration, propagated distance, and maximum
extent. The data are available for region with boundaries 40° S to 40° N and 55° W
to 55° E for the 1981-2023 period. The data has been used to reveal changes in convective
organisation over tropical Africa and Atlantic Ocean (Rocal et al., 2024).
The TOOCAN database is composed by two types of files:
1. Regional segmented images at a 0.04° spatial resolution and a 30-minute
temporal frequency (in NETCDF).
2. Regional and monthly tracking files (in ASCII and in NETCDF) documenting
the DCS morphological parameters at each 30 minute-step of their life cycles.
Each DCS is then described by a unique label, which is useful for making the link
between a given DCS described in the tracking files and the same DCS identified in
the segmented images. Thus, using both the tracking file and the segmented images
provides access to all the pixels of a given DCS identified in the segmented images,
as well as to its morphological parameters in the monthly tracking files.
Satellite: Instrument: Temporal Extent: 1981-08-16 -
Orbit Type: Data Policy: NoConditions
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