SEVIRI Rapid Scan High Rate Level 1.5 Image Data Climate Data Record Release 1 - MSGRelease 1 of the Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) of MSG imager SEVIRI (Spinning
Enhanced Visible Infra-Red Imager) level 1.5 counts and recalibration coefficients
(only for the infrared channels) from the Rapid Scan Service (RSS). This release covers
the MSG SEVIRI RSS record from three different satellite platforms Meteosat-8 to -10.
Both operational and recalibrated calibration coefficients are provided. The FCDR
covers 13 years’ worth of data from 2008-05-06 until 2021-09-17, but recalibrated
parameters are only available until 2020-04. To improve usability, the data are reformatted
to NetCDF and additionally contain variable grouping, geolocation information, and
sun/satellite angles.
Satellite: MSG
Instrument: SEVIRI
Temporal Extent: 2008-05-06 -
Orbit Type: Data Policy: NoConditions
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