MVIRI Level 1.5 Climate Data Record Release 2 - MFG - 57 degreeRelease 2 of the Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) of the Meteosat Visible and
Infrared Imager (MVIRI) onboard the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) provides georectified,
recalibrated, anomaly qualified, and consolidated Level 1.5 data of the visible (VIS),
infrared (IR) and water vapor (WV) bands along with all metadata, spectral response
functions (reconstructed for the VIS channel), as well as calibration information
to compute radiance, brightness temperature and reflectance. The VIS band data are
provided along with detailed measurement uncertainties and error correlation information.
The data are available in netCDF4 format.
The computed “toa_bidirectional_reflectance_vis” from the recalibrated visible channel
radiances are stored as unsigned short integers with a scaling factor 3.05176e-05
so that the maximum float value that can be stored in the integer of 65535 is 1.99997.
BRF values of 2.0 and higher are consequently overflowing the bit depth, and are presented
as valid values, lower than the maximum. For high solar angles in combination with
high viewing angles, cloud tops were observed with BRF values that exceed the bit
depth. They are wrongly presented as dark and cannot be distinguished from pixels
that actually are dark. This will be mitigated in the next release of MVIRI FCDR.
If users would like to circumvent this issue, they can contact EUMETSAT to obtain
the FULL version of the FCDR data that contain original count values and recalibration
coefficients which allow for the computation of “toa_bidirectional_reflectance_vis”
without running into the aforementioned issue.
Satellite: MFG
Instrument: MVIRI
Temporal Extent: 2006-11-01 -
Orbit Type: Data Policy: GeneralLicense
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