LI Accumulated Flash Area - MTG - 0 degreeLI Level 2 Accumulated Flash Area (AFA) provides the user with data about flash mapping
by using the area covered by the optical emission of each flash in LI Level 2 Lightning
Flashes (LFL). It is important to keep in mind that each flash is treated as a flat
(uniform) optical emission in this data. Accumulated Flash Area allows one to monitor
the regions within a cloud top from which lightning-related optical emissions over
30 sec are emerging and accumulating and to know the number of flashes that were observed
within the FCI grid pixels composing those regions. For example, from the Accumulated
Flash Area, one can derive the flash rate for each pixel of the FCI 2km grid. This
is a considerable improvement compared to the simple description of the flash using
the variable flash_footprint available in Lightning Flashes.
Satellite: MTG
Instrument: LI
Temporal Extent: 2024-07-08 -
Orbit Type: Data Policy: NoConditions
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