Data Services


FCI Level 1c High Resolution Image Data - MTG - 0 degree

The rectified (Level 1c) Meteosat FCI full disc image data in high spatial (HRFI) resolution.The FCI instrument consists of 16 imaging spectral channels ranging from 0.4 µm to 13.3 µm with the channel at 3.8 µm having an extended dynamic range dedicated to fire monitoring. The high-resolution HRFI dataset has 4 spectral channels at VIS 0.6 µm, NIR 2.2 µm, IR 3.8 µm and IR 13.3 µm with a spatial resolution of 0.5 km for visible and near-infrared channels and 1 km for infrared channels. FCI Level 1c rectified radiance dataset consists of a set of files that contain the level 1c science data rectified to a reference grid together with the auxiliary data associated with the processing configuration and the quality assessment of the dataset. Level 1c image data here corresponds to initially geolocated and radiometrically pre-processed image data, without full georeferencing and cal/val in spatial and spectral domains applied. The data are ready for further processing and testing, e.g. value chains and initial tests for extracting meteorological products, however, we generally do not recommend the generation of Level 2 products due to known limitations in the Level 1c data. A selection of single channel data are visualised in our EUMETView service.

Satellite: MTG

Instrument: FCI

Temporal Extent: 2024-09-24 - now

Orbit Type:

Data Policy: NRTLicense, GeneralLicense

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