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Optimal Cloud Analysis Climate Data Record Release 1 - MSG - 0 degree

The OCA Release 1 Climate Data Record (CDR) covers the MSG observation period from 2004 up to 2019, providing a homogenous cloud properties time series. It is generated at full Meteosat repeat cycle (15 minutes) fequency. Cloud properties retrieved by OCA are cloud top pressure, cloud optical thickness, and cloud effective radius, together with uncertainties. The OCA algorithm has been slightly adapted for climate data record processing. The adaptation mainly consists in the usage of different inputs, because the one used for Near Real Time (NRT) were not available for the reprocessing (cloud mask, clear sky reflectance map) and also not homogenous (reanalysis) over the complete time period. it extends the NRT data record more than 9 years back in time. This is a Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR).

Satellite: MSG

Instrument: SEVIRI

Temporal Extent: 2004-01-19 - 2019-08-31

Orbit Type:

Data Policy: NoConditions

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