Data Services


IASI All Sky Temperature and Humidity Profiles - Climate Data Record Release 1.1 - Metop-A and -B

This is the release 1.1 of the climate data record of "all-sky" temperature and humidity profiles and their associated quality parameters. The CDR was processed using the latest operational EUMETSAT algorithms available (V6.5.4, 12/2019). It consists of the outputs of the statistical retrieval module Piece Wise Linear Regression only. This provides a homogeneous CDR throughout the time period. On the 8 August 2023, year 2022 was added to the CDR. This is a Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR).

Satellite: Metop

Instrument: IASI

Temporal Extent: 2007-07-10 - 2022-12-31

Orbit Type:

Data Policy: NoConditions

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