OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Reduced Resolution (version BC003) - Sentinel-3 - ReprocessedOLCI Level 2 Marine products provide spectral information on the colour of the oceans
(water reflectances). These radiometric products are used to estimate geophysical
parameters e.g. estimates of phytoplankton biomass through
determining the Chlorophyll-a (Chl) concentration. In coastal areas, they also allow
monitoring of the sediment load via the Total Suspended Matter (TSM) product. Reduced
resolution products are at a nominal 1km resolution.
This collection contains reprocessed data from baseline collection 003. Operational
data can be found in the corresponding collection.
Satellite: Sentinel-3
Instrument: OLCI
Temporal Extent: 2016-04-25 -
Orbit Type: Data Policy: Copernicus
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