Commercial Radio Occultation Level 1B data - MultimissionAs part of its Commercial Radio Occultation (RO) service, EUMETSAT generates bending
angle L1b products in netCDF and BUFR format. These products are based on:
- Spire L0, L1a and L1b radio occultation data procured by EUMETSAT from the contractor
Spire, originating from the STRATOS Radio Occultation payload on the Lemur-2 satellites.
- L0, L1a and L1b radio occultation data procured by NOAA from the contractors PlanetiQ
or Spire, depending on delivery order. More information on the data procured by NOAA
and related licensing terms can be found on NOAA's Commercial Data Program (CDP) website.
Original (pre-EUMETSAT processing) data are available upon request to our User Helpdesk
Satellite: Lemur-2
Instrument: STRATOS
Temporal Extent: 2022-02-14 -
Orbit Type: Data Policy: Third-partyLicence
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